Swords and sandals 3 guide
Swords and sandals 3 guide

  • ‘I waited until the puppies were weaned then I tied red bows around their necks, put them in a box and headed to Mrs.
  • ‘I tied it in a bow around the stem of the flower, and gently stroked the soft fabric before letting my feet carry me downstairs again.’.
  • ‘Gather the ribbon ends (make sure all are equal in length) and tie in a bow.’.
  • ‘Tie the very ends of the ribbon together in bow or knot, to form a loop by which to hang the bag.’.
  • swords and sandals 3 guide

  • ‘Bundle the sticks together with raffia ending in a bow at the top, secure with glue if needed.’.
  • ‘He did these beautiful bead necklaces on a piece of fabric that tied in a bow in the back.’.
  • ‘I picked up a wide blue ribbon, wound it around the ponytail, and tied it in a bow.’.
  • ‘It was covered in black velvet with a blood red rose embroidered on the front and a ribbon of the same colour as the rose tied in a bow at the top.’.
  • ‘I also had on black three-inch heels with straps that criss-crossed around my ankle and tied in a bow in the back.’.
  • ‘I tied it in a bow and wore it as a belt around my waist.’.
  • swords and sandals 3 guide

  • ‘Pat was wearing a black spandex, long sleeved shirt with a thin thread tied in a bow, slipped in between two tiny holes underneath the neckline.’.
  • ‘She wore a light blue dress with a white apron, and a ribbon, tied in a bow to match the color of her dress, hung gracefully in her hair.’.
  • ‘Next cut a length of narrow holiday ribbon to tie in a bow for the top of the package.’.
  • ‘Also, his conversation with his Dad at the end felt a little too scripted and all wrapped up in a bow, I think.’.
  • ‘Hanging on a branch of the biggest pine are my socks, neatly tied in a bow, waiting to be discovered.’.
  • ‘I love the little cream silk ribbon tied in a bow on the door handle to my bathroom.’.
  • swords and sandals 3 guide

    ‘At the base of the triangle made by her stomacher, and foregrounded by a white ribbon tied in a bow, hangs an emblem of the Queen's chastity.’.‘On it lay a single purple ribbon tied in a bow: a hairpiece for a little girl.’.‘After your child completes several cards, stack and lace them together through the eyelets on the left edge to form a book, tying the ribbon ends in a bow.’.‘He looks very jaunty, hands on hips, his cap pushed back on his head and his cap ribbon tied in a bow.’.

    swords and sandals 3 guide

    ‘Tie the red ribbon in a bow and stitch in place through the center knot, referring to the photo for placement.’.

    Swords and sandals 3 guide